Disruption Management


Collaboration between School and Parents

PTMs must be used as a tool to receive feedback from parents and share the latest happenings in the school in face to face mode. School ERP must provide support to Plan, Execute and Analyse the PTM.


•Plan PTM in a better way

School ERP must allow for a better planning for PTMs. It must automate the slots for parents and send automated communications about the PTM date and timings.


Set reminders

Some of the parents might miss their PTM if they are not reminded a day before the PTM date. School ERP must take away the burden of reminding the parents about the PTMs a day before. These reminders serves dual purpose as it improves the attendance and it also improves the brand value of your school.


PTM Attendance and feedback

School ERP must provide easy to use attendance mechanism for the PTM. It should also allow the teachers to receive feedback on various aspects of the school.


PTM Analysis

One of the main reason to have PTM is to receive feedback from Parents. School ERP must provide the ability to take structured feedback from the parents and provide analytical reporting on the School Performance based on parent’s feedback.

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    Schools can plan the PTM by using an easy to operate screen. Where date, timings, classes and slots are defined. Once the planning is done, system will send the automated communication to the parents.

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    System can also send automated reminders to the parents a day before the PTM.

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    One the day of PTM, each teacher can mark the attendance for their respective classes and also take feedback from each parent.

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    Principal can look at the collective feedback and generate the analytical reports to gauze the performance of their school.