Enquiry Management


No cracks!

The best advantage of CoolEdSys enquiry module is that no enquiry falls through crack and you counsellors are aware of the next follow up dates.


Ergonomic dashboard

CoolEdSys ensures that all enquiries are listed in a single dashboard which allows a better control over the entire process. Dashboard allows you to track the delays in any of the process so that your counsellors can take corrective actions.


Structured Data

Enquiry details from various channels will come directly into your system in an organized manner.


Enquiry to Admission integration

CoolEdSys has integrated all steps right from enquiry to admission to ensure a smooth flow of data. Schools can schedule tests and interviews for each candidate easily. Throughout each step, a continuous communication is maintained with the candidates/students.



CoolEdSys provides analytical reports for school principals to ensure that the principal is able to measure the performance of their enquiry management process right from receiving enquiry to follow up to admission.

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    At first, you need to assign your required staff as Counsellors so that enquiries can be assigned to them. Then you need to validate the TAT (Turn Around Time), for each step so that any delays/deviations can be notified.

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    For regular progress, you need to go to the Dashboard and update the Registration details of the students. After the registration details you need to schedule test/interviews and update the system with results.

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    At last, if the student clears the process, you allocate class/section to the student.