Fees Management


Dynamic Top Down Fees Structure

CoolEdSys provides a simplified top down approach towards defining the Fees Structures. School can define all Fees Heads on a single screen along with their collection/payment frequencies, discounts and late fees. Once the fee heads are defined the class level fees are selected for respective class section. It enables easy grouping of fees for each class. Once the class level selection is done, fees can be applied to all students with a single click of button.


Automated reminders and notices

CoolEdSys allows you to define the fee day, reminder day and notice days. After this planning part, the system will automatically send reminder and notices to the required students. This approach minimizes your accounts team time and ensures there are least no. of fees defaulters due to timely notifications.


Online Payment

Parents can use Parent App to easily pay the fees online. They can also view the payments done and outstanding amount along with the fees details.



CoolEdSys provides analytical reports to help accounts and management to get better control over their complete Fees Management process. Parents will also be able to see the complete accounts details for their wards.

  • 1

    CoolEdSys provides a well-defined approach towards Fees Management. It starts with defining the Fee Heads, Fee Reminders, Fee Structures, & Discounts as planning part of it. Once the planning is done, management can view the planning dashboard to analyse the annual expected collection.

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    For each month/quarter, fee book can be generated and notifications to be sent to parents. Parents can pay the fees against their fee book either using Parent App or at the school cash counter.

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    Daily Collection Register can be used to perform reconciliation or to manually interact with defaulters. System will automatically send reminders before due dates where fees is not yet paid. Similarly, after the due date if any student has not paid the fees, the automated system will send notification on WhatsApp/SMS/eMail.